$200.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Big Toe Dipper (3 Pay)

In the BIG Toe Dipper your entire foot is in the water and you're so ready to expand & explore your divine feminine frequencies.  You desire more knowledge and access to direct support from Tara to integrate your experience with the daily transiting energies.  There will be a private Voxer channel dedicated for you and the other "BIG Toe Dipper" to literally ask me anything.
So what do you get? 
You'll receive everything that's included in The Little Toe Dipper, plus everything listed below!
  • Initial 45 Minute Reading with Tara to go over your Astrology + your Quantum Human Design™.
  • 3 Celebration curated tea lights. 
  • Handmade pottery tea light holder with Angel wings (can also be used as a trinket dish or to hold all your crystals).
  • Access to the Celestial Micromind on Voxer while you're in the first quarter of the year (March, April, May)

Price includes shipping to Canada + US.

List of items included from The Little Toe Dipper are:

In the Little Toe Dipper you're beginning to get your feet wet.  Exploring the magic of the products and getting to know how your beautiful divine feminine energy wants to be expressed.  
You will receive all the goodies that come included in The Celestial Box + 3 months access to The DFF.
  • The 3 Zodiac Candles (Aries, Taurus, Gemini)
  • 3 "Fizzle My Shizzle" Bath Bombs
  • 1 Full Moon Candle
  • Set of matches + a special meditation crystal.
  • You'll also receive an invitation to join the private Voxer channel for the daily DFF (Divine Feminine Frequency) for 3 months.